Exploring Spiritual Intelligence – Part 2 – Intelligence

More About Intelligence

Most of us have some degree of physical intelligence, we feel hungry we eat, we feel thirsty we drink, we feel tired we rest and so on. But when we fall ill we require more than physical intelligence to heal. We rely on mental intelligence to make an informed decision that we are unwell. Emotional Intelligence helps us make choices about the healing route we are going to pursue. For example our mental intelligence will inform us of the importance of rest, but our emotional intelligence will permit us to fulfill this need or not. A good example of this is when someone feels guilty about taking rest and will therefore ignore all good reason to rest. So where does Spiritual Intelligence fit in?

We can develop a physical illness in order to carry out healing that has a spiritual component i.e. remembering our true nature. Understanding that Absolute Love powers our existence is enough to create a shift in awareness to bring about deep healing. Our dis-eases / discomforts / dis-harmonies can be caused by our negative thinking and fear driven emotions, which are not in alignment with Spiritual Intelligence.

In truth none of these intelligences function independently, however when each one of them is aligned with Spiritual Intelligence our lives become dynamic ripples of Loving Intelligence expressing deep Truth.

Lovingly, Ranjana

Ranjana Appoo is a dynamic author and co-creator of LiberatingTouch, known for her joyful approach to life and passion for truth. Alongside her partner, Eddie Appoo, she has co-authored the book “Detachment – The Secret to Infinite Peace”. With a vibrant spirit and a commitment to Love, Ranjana continues to inspire others to embark on the paths of Self-Realisation through her writings, teachings, and compassionate presence.


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