The Big Questions – Desires and More Desires

For the early part of my life, till my mid-40s, i swung like a pendulum with my desires. They triggered guilt, shame, defensiveness, and disappointment as well as creativity, excitement, passion, inspiration, joy, and fun. One of the practices (i have many that i utilise daily) that helped me transform my understanding of desire...

The Big Questions – Desire

I sit down to meditate, to commune with the SELF, and my mind wanders. I open my eyes. The play of shadows on the window sill, the sound of a motor in the distance. My senses draw me to the window and what lies beyond. My thoughts are no longer in the room with...

Liberating Wellness

Reclaim Freedom As a child I had this longing within me – the cry for freedom. I did not know what it meant at that time. Over the years this cry shifted and changed. At first it was the battle cry against any form of tyranny or abuse. Later it became the cry to...

Get R E A L

At the bright young age of 11 (that was a very long time ago), i created a New Year’s ritual for myself which has served me well over the years. Every New Year’s morning, i meditate and connect with the Illumined Self (the infinite intelligence within, the source of Love and Truth – God)...

Reality… Now

Here is short blog and a little ditty about living in surreal times. Despite the reality of uncertainty, everything feels unreal. Two weeks ago, I heard of a man being bitten by a cobra and dying on the spot. A week ago, one of my gentle friends passed on, the clock stopped working the...

The Sweetness of Prayer

We were recently asked, what is prayer? In my experience, prayer connects us to the Illumined Self (The eternal expansive all-pervasive Love and Truth within), so that we can open to trust and surrender. Prayer opens us to Grace. It is like ringing the door bell and waiting for the Divine In-dweller to respond....

Healing Pathways and Possibilities

5 Main Healing Pathways For the last 20 odd years or more, Eddie and I have been working with people around the world, supporting them as they navigate work, relationships and life. Our clients inspire us with their creativity, wisdom and dedication. Some of our clients face complex physical challenges. We discuss with them...

The Power of OmKar

OmKar is the practice of chanting the Sanskrit sacred syllable AUM – OM. At the end of March 2020 Eddie and Ranjana began a weekly Zoom group for Meditation and Chanting for Love, Peace, Healing and Harmony. These sessions began with chanting of OM 21 times. Fortuitously, Aparna Choudhuri at the same time compiled...

Exploring Spiritual Intelligence – Part 6 – Power

Potential, Power, Purity and Presence There are four aspects/concepts of Spiritual Intelligence that bring about enormous transformation. These are: the Recognition of Potential, the ability to Reclaim Power, the imperative to Choose Purity and Know Presence. Recognise Potential At any given moment in time or space, it is important to recognise the potential present,...

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